Tuesday, June 30, 2015

85- Fondest Memories

My fondest travel memories have been those that have involved a backpack, a bottle of Gatorade, a sandwich, and whole lot of walking. The splendor of the open road is one that knows no bounds. 

To run, to ride, to fly, to be part of the journey- such defines a full life. Sunrise and sunset- these beginnings and endings speak of true cyclical beauty. 

My next adventure awaits. 


Monday, June 22, 2015

84- The Run.

I've come to learn that running is my thing.

Race after race, after race, I go.

I am thrilled that I will be running my first international race this year. Malaysia, I am delighted by the prospect of seeing you again. 

This is going to be fun. 

Photo from the Unilab Active Health Run United Marathon 2, 2015. 


Thursday, June 4, 2015

83- Absolute Value

You know, it's funny. 

You run, and you run, and you run. 

Then you fall. 

And you start from the very beginning. 

What then? 

You get up and keep going. 

I'm in Forest Gump mode now. 

Run, run, run, until you can't take another step.