Monday, February 24, 2014

23- Life is Like Breakfast

A Vegetarian Platter From Kith Cafe near Dhouby Gaut Station in Singapore. Had this courtesy of my buddy, Jon Ang. Thanks bro! Here's to us toasting to great things again soon. 

I just realized something. Yes, I just thought of something pretty inspiring. That is a wonderful thing, considering that most of my life recently has not been in STEREO sound, and has not been in technicolor. 

Life is about finding the good in things. To some, breakfast can be a deterrent to them getting to work on time, or, a deterrent to them feeling up and up at the office (if you eat too much, you'll feel sleepy). To others, breakfast is as basic a necessity as gasoline is to YOUR petrol guzzling box of metal on four wheels. 

Take the breakfast platter depicted above, for example. It is easy to dismiss this particular entree as boring, given that is vegetarian and does not contain the insanely oily and unhealthy but ridiculously delicious sort of stuff you'd normally find on a Filipino's breakfast menu. Think of Beef Tapa, or maybe, scrambled egg swimming in oil, and the juice from deep fried onions. Glorious. The stuff the pope himself should bless. Ah, the good life. Simple, yet indulgent. The ultimate paradox. The most amazing of ironies brought to life by YOUR mom and YOUR grandma over, and over, and over, again. 

I chose to go vegetarian when I met Jon in Singapore. This was Singapore- the home of some of the best hawker food on God's green Earth. Green. Yes. Green. Veggie-green. 

Crazy pun aside, I tried to put my conscience to bed by ordering something healthy. I am not an uber carnivore by any stretch, but I do like to have my share of flavor, sometimes, at the expense of healthy living. On this particular day though, with my buddy who's an expert about economies, mathematics, and Information Technology, I decided to go complete GREEN. If I had gotten pancakes, or, grilled beef, or, salmon, then, it would have been just any other day. When you meet friends you hadn't seen in a long while, you must think different. Jon and I, actually, couldn't be more different. He's a Math and IT guru. I am an artist who does corporate and belts out a few bars from 80's rock songs from time to time. Go figure. 

I ordered what I ordered because when you're in a different place, with people whom you haven't seen in a long while, you want to fend off stuff that's commonplace, feelings that are typical, sights and sounds that seem all too part of the daily grind, as much as possible. Life, yes, life, that life, your life, is a lot like a big breakfast. So many viands to choose from. Some taste good, but will give you a heart attack. Some, look like goat crap, but, taste wonderful. Endless variety. Endlessly vibrant sights, tastes, textures, sounds as the dishes are prepared, nuances only someone crazy would notice.

I have been busy at work lately. Busy like you wouldn't believe. I think that this bit of insight is one I will carry with me tonight, and as I wake up and go through the paces tomorrow. I think that for even a second, I will marvel in the vastness of life, its endless hues, its amazing peaks and valleys.

All in all, I think I'll indulge in a big, fat, breakfast, for a change. For a change of pace to one that is more humane.

Life is like breakfast.

Eat up.

The buffet won't be open forever.


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