Saturday, June 24, 2017

126- Month 9.

I have lived in London for what is the equivalent of a woman going through a normal pregnancy. This experience has been chocful of adventure that I suspect will last a lifetime. Now, as I enter the dissertation (self-study) portion of my postgraduate degree, I find myself pondering upon a number of things:

-There is still much I have not seen in the UK. Compared to some Filipino friends, I have barely scratched the surface. I suppose this is the consequence of spending most of money on concert tickets and running events. There is still time to flutter about. I am fully committed to studying my way to the top, though, so, I'll have to work any travel plans into working my butt off- both for the present, and the future.

-Self study can be good, but at the same time, it can be more difficult that actually having classes. When regular classes are scheduled three times a week, you get into a certain rhythm. That rhythm, then, leads to not getting stuck in any i-feel-so-lazy-to-study funks. Having days and weeks become more open-ended leaves the door to sloth ajar. I have to exert two times the usual effort to stay focused.

-One of my friends who has lived in London for a bit was right- finding a corporate post here is tough. I've begun to think of my plans post Masters'. It can't be helped, unless of course one plans to strand himself/herself on the Isle of Naught for the rest of his/her Earthly life. The natural response by a play-it-safe type would assume that I should re-enter the corporate world. What has that being in that world really done for me in the last 12 years, though, apart of course, from helping me earn a good living, and, aiding in my professional maturity? What I am trying to hint at is, the onset of the ultimate "whys" and "hows". Has the corporate life truly made me happy? Has it truly satiated my desires to live a truly fulfilled existence? On some days, I'd say yes. On others, I'd say that I am stuck in the middle. On certain other days, I'd say, I'd rather be on a farm with 20 Golden Retrievers and a pair of running shoes.

-This blog has gone somewhat stagnant. Maybe it's because I haven't had any totally new "travel-centric" adventures lately. Or maybe that is all B.S. Maybe the real reason is that I haven't take the time to buckle down to thinking about compelling content to put up. Whatever the case is, I do know that I ought to write more from now on. I can't permit myself to sink into the quagmire of the "I'm so ordinary" and "I'm so square". I'd rather listen to Justin Bieber for 20 straight hours than to be oh-so-commonplace.

-Having come from a country that has shot itself in the balls so many times because of corruption in government, and people being so used to mediocrity, such that the bar for what is "socially acceptable" has dipped so, so, low, I can safely say that I have thoroughly enjoyed the first world conveniences that Britain has exposed me to. Decent public transportation, efficient service at government offices, efficient-cashless payment facilities- all of these things are conveniences which somebody who has lived here for a long time may take for granted. Where I'm from, something as mundane as renewing your driver's license can end up being the biggest chore ever, so yeah, I am happy with what the UK has in place.

-I am actually THIS close to finishing a Masters' Degree. I have tried my best to absorb fresh insights and new perspectives, but sometimes, one will end up getting by on knowledge gained from prior experience. This journey has re-awakened me desire to learn, learn, learn. So whatever "new" things I've missed on are things which I intend to catch up on when the time comes. It's funny how scholarship shows you that some of the most basic things on Earth are made to be more complicated than they actually should be, in the name of being more "scholarly".

More thoughts will be shared on another day.

The spillage of ideas should help keep me sane through the final stretch of my postgraduate degree.


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