Friday, November 24, 2017

137- Insomnia

Together with two luggages and a backpack, I brought my recurring thyroid problem to London in 2016. There have been ups and downs in the last ten years since I was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism. Bouts of insomnia are part and parcel of having a bum thyroid. Such has provided me with moments of enlightenment, and moments of despair.

Despair because, it can be utterly tiring to not be able to get some shut eye despite being tired after a day of work. It drains you beyond your spare tank, so to speak.

Enlightenment, because, it's times when you're wide awake, and the rest of the world is likely to be asleep, that some of the best tidbits of your creative outputs, tend to emerge (this is the case, at least for me).

I would still rather get a good night's rest instead of having to sleepwalk through the day, though. It's a cycle that tends to be difficult to break (especially in during the winter season).

And so, the last leg of my London journey continues. Beneath the shadows cast by Alexandra Palace in the North, I walk on.


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