Thursday, July 18, 2019

173- Taking Flight.

Lately I've gotten around to dreaming about the UK. I haven't been thinking about packed cities like London, or Newcastle. I've had my mind on more remote places- like Kirkstyle, Thurso, and Corrour. You know, the types of places you'd like to see on a postcard.

Maybe I've always been a bit of a free spirit. When I say "free spirit" what I really mean is that I've always had a thirst for to explore, to really "see things". I respect and value permanence, but there are also days when I want to put on some trainers and, quite literally, "run away".

Here's a random place I discovered online - Miyazaki city.

365,000 inhabitants, a seaside destination, Shinto shrines, a picturesque gorge.

As with many places in Japan, there is a mix of old and new here.

Eastern and Western art also blend together nicely here. For reference, check out the Medikit Arts Center.

It's places like this that make you want to dream about being anywhere but here.


Wednesday, July 10, 2019

172- Going Further

What does going further in life,really mean?

Does success point to getting that dream job, buying that dream house, and zooming off in that dream car?

Are these all illusions we conjure up to help increase our self-worth?

You grow up,you get married, you have kids, you get old, you die. You see the world. You sing. You dance. We all know it isn't really this straightforward a process.

Often times,there are bumps in the road, coupled with really big potholes. Who's the joke on, really? Those who conjure up illusions, or, those who are deceived by them? Are parties 1 and 2 actually the same people?

Maintaining your poise in a world wherein being off balance almost feels like a given, is a tall task. Tall,but not impossible. But what is it all worth, really?

That is a darn good question- with a thousand different answers.