Thursday, April 7, 2016

102- "The End of the Road"

From the Singapore Art Gallery, 2013. 

I have followed the exploits of Anthony Bourdain for years, and in many of his shows, he talks about the "End of the Road". 

Bourdain is a nomad, and a bit of an iconoclast. His is a life many are envious of- seemingly ennui free, in perpetual motion, and teeming with constant thrills. I am sure there are practical difficulties which Mr. Bourdain and others like him deal with constantly, but all in all, flying around "experiencing" life sure beats a typical 9-5. 

Tony has spoken about the "End of the Road" a lot, especially during his trips to Asia. The "End of the Road" refers to concept, an notion that after logging in an enumerable amount of mileage, one finds himself inevitably asking "why" and "where". I find myself in a similar situation now. 

Why am I still on my little island? 

Why am I still compromising? 

If I demand that my contract with compromise be rescinded, can others come with me on my trek to liberty? Upon what cushion (or pavement) will I land? 

Singapore looks fine, and so does the United States. Maybe I could just stay home in Manila. Then again, that would be anticlimactic. 

Japan or Hong Kong would be nice. I'd like to end up somewhere progressive, and someplace where I can harness my skills to the fullest, and bring my passions to the fore without restraint. 

There's an old saying that beseeches people to be careful what they wish for. This holds true in many situations. There are instances, however, when risks bring forth much fuller rewards than do decisions to "play it safe".

My fingers are crossed. My passport however, is in my "speed dial" pocket. 


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