Tuesday, December 27, 2016

120- Send Over The Flowers

Things like this tend to be subjective, but from where I stand, 2016 has been a year full of grief, specifically in terms of the passing away of cultural icons.

The latest victim of this worrisome trend was actress Carrie Fisher, who died after going through a cardiac event en route to Los Angeles, USA. It's times like this when you have to question what God must have been thinking when he weighed the balancing of fragility and power when he created man. All throughout our lives, we struggle to be at one with comfort, with safety, with utter security. We do this all while knowing that we will one day kick the bucket, whether we like it or not. Why even bother, right? Well, having good quality of life is one reason. If one is to be resigned to the fact that he/she will one day die, then he/she might as well do everything he/she can to make his/her swim in life's fishbowl the best dip anyone could possibly imagine. Work with what you have. That is the name of the game. Work with what you have and make it grow into something magical.

Where I'm from, the government has managed to cheapen the value of life. It's come at us akin to a sickening thud after your head gets clocked by a frying pan. At the end of the day, any self-respecting person would come to the understanding that it would be absolutely wrong to surrender. Scream at the top of your lungs from the top of a skyscraper. Never give up. Tell life to send the flowers in advance because you want to want to be able to enjoy the said flowers, not have them sent to you when you're dead.

Amidst all of the doom and gloom that this year's brought on, we all ought to grab a drink and toast to never, ever, thinking that our song could ever possibly stop playing.

The musicians on the Titanic kept going. You and I can (and should), too.


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