Tuesday, July 8, 2014

52- Wandering and Wondering.

I found myself wondering about many things this morning.

I found myself looking at some old photos from my various trips around the world, such as the one pasted here (from 2013, of me on the viewdeck of the Marina Bay Sands Hotel), and thinking, "So, I'm just going to be a tourist forever, I guess." Being a tourist in this case would mean doing my 9-5 and traveling, on occasion, to soothe my weary soul. That's well and good, but, on some days when you've had good Korean food, and have just had an education on the ways of the world care of a challenging corporate project, you can tend to think of what lies beyond your nearest galaxy.

Succinctly said, I believe that people, at some point, tend to wonder what lies beyond the horizons they had gotten used to seeing over time.

Your body, your mind, feel comfortable- but what about your spirit?

I remember being in Rome in 2013. My legs were tired. I was jetlagged because of all the flying I had done within the span of a little less than a week. My mom and sister thought it prudent to spend time in our hotel- resting, reading books, watching television. I, on the other hand, opted to walk, walk, walk, and walk- and get lost. It was my spirit, my thirst for adventure, that egged me on. It was the knowledge that I might not ever return to Rome (due to more practical factors- economics, time, obligations back home, etc.) that pushed me explore and find god-knows-what along the way. It was an amazing experience, the thrill of a lifetime. Ironic, really, that to find yourself, you need to "lose yourself".

What is the top of the world like? Is it about the money? The fame? The high you get from "winning" a competition?

What if all the energy one spends on "getting ahead" in life's rat race should instead be channeled towards enjoying the scenery as you plug away?

Maybe the mere act of wondering points to asking too much of life.

Or maybe not.


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