Friday, August 1, 2014

56- Leave Me Some Flowers

I like flowers. I particularly believe that they are charming, pleasing to the eye, and yes, they smell very good. 

I remember a time when life was simple. An amazing meal was Spaghetti with Hotdogs, or, two slices of wheat bread covered in toasted cheddar or Edam Cheese. Awesome. 

Austerity must be at the core of all good things. I remember going to Singapore in 2009 and being fed the idea that the best food, the most pleasing gastronomic treats, could be found in hotel cafes, and 5 star restaurants. Glamour and palate ecstasy does not necessarily follow. 

Flowers. You give someone flowers and you realize that the act of giving flowers to a girl you like, for instance, has tied to it a presumed set of returns. Perhaps a date? Perhaps a bright future full of promise, full of fields of gold and folly. 

Instead of always thinking in too grandiose a fashion, try to imagine simply. With your dream girl, just be real. Be honest. When in Rome, seek for the simple, quick, wins- lest you overspend and be overwhelmed by tourist traps and ordinary things clad in gold trimmings. Chicken rice by the street over chicken rice at the Ritz. 

Give her real flowers and she'll give you her heart. 

And so it goes. 


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