Sunday, August 31, 2014

62- The Climb

When the world gets me down, I end up looking for ways to work out.

From the time begun this blog, I have lost around 20 pounds. Quite an achievement, considering that I fancy eating, and fancy traveling. I needed to take the reins again after letting myself go a wee bit.

I am curious to see how I will manage traveling and eating my way through a country's culture with being fit. Let's face it- saying no to a plate of Char Kway Teow is nearly as hard as saying "no" when you are handed a blank cheque with an open-ended caveat- for whom, and for how much.

Of course, we know that the "for whom" is likely going to end up being written out to "you". As for how much it is all going to cost, maybe a bit of your soul, and, the sky's the limit in cents and dollars.

The last few months have been mind-numbing. I have not been able to stretch my creative muscles and open my eyes for wanderlust because of WORK. Yes, work. I don't mind working. I do mind WORK taking over my mind, heart, and life, though.

This is THE climb. My climb.

This climb needs to end-one way or the other.

Until then, off I go for a run.


Posted via Blogaway

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