Thursday, October 15, 2015

92- Love Songs


                        From the set of the Singapore staging of "Gruesome Playground Injuries,                                                                               Esplanade Theatre, 2013

She sat by a window dulled by time, and memories of promises unkept.

Her existence had become an anthem for the broken hearted, a spirited number on the death of soul. She had become the poster child for the declaration that love was
indeed, a null and void concept.

She had surrendered to the ocean of discontent.

Until he entered her life, and until she learned to carry herself with pride.

She was a beautiful porcelain doll, with chinky eyes, and curves ample, yet not vulgar in the
context which most decent men would bemoan. She was intelligent, quick witted, and had begun to
flutter forth with utmost bliss- a key element of living which had been lost on her for many years.
She felt like she was once again ready to dethrone the dukes and duchesses of sorrow.

She scanned through her collection of records.

Kenny Loggins.

Christopher Cross.

Lauren Wood ("Fallen" was a particular favorite).

Roy Orbison (for the oldest soul in the room).

Love songs. So many love songs. Love songs playing in springtime in Rome. Beauteous melodies, and righteous declarations of the most radiant of virtues.
This is what she, and her man, had been waiting for.

Twas time for them to swim in the big river, to bask amidst the ancient buildings of lost empires. It was time to savor the many sights and sounds of a land
unseen, and yet seemingly, quite familiar to the spirit.

Nothing could stop them now.


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