Thursday, December 14, 2017

139- Beautiful Days

There's an old saying which basically says that we should appreciate the beauty before us, lest it vanish forever.

Well, I think I might have made that one up, but, you get the point.

Here's a photo I snapped with my Samsung S7's camera one nondescript afternoon in North London. The sky was perfectly azure that day, and there wasn't a drop of rain in sight. After over a year as a Londoner, I've learned that good weather, beautiful skies- all that can sometimes be a rarity.

Soon, I'll be travelling again. I have a home to return to. At the same time, London has been my home for some time now, and I've seen, experienced, and learned a whole lot. I've grown to become more logical than emotional in recent years, but who knows. This farewell might be more predicated on feelings than I had initially anticipated.

Good times folks, good times.


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