Tuesday, December 26, 2017

145- Breakfast.

When I lived in Manila, my default breakfast during hectic (or extremely lazy) days, was black coffee and cereal with whole milk. In London, this has transitioned into a combination of black coffee and some type of bread and/or yogurt.

It's crazy how much of a "meal" traditional Filipino breakfasts are, though. In Manila, it isn't uncommon to see office workers, students, and all sorts of other folks having rice, egg, and caramelised pork slices (Tocino) for breakfast. My friends from Europe and America who have been to the Philippines are often surprised at Filipinos' appetite for "full meals" regardless of the time of day. I noticed that residents of Western countries tend to abide by specific quantity distinctions in line with different segments within a day. Filipinos aren't always as strict in this regard. To them, if you're hungry, you eat. It doesn't matter what time of day it is. It's part of an almost esoteric gastronomic doctrine for Pinoys. Many think it's crazy, but to Filipinos, it makes perfect, basic, sense.

I've been really lazy to cook lately, and this has not boded well for my meal spacing over a 24 hour cycle. My circadian rhythm has also been a little bit off kilter, ergo, my "breakfast time" tends to be pushed towards odd hours of the day. I think it may be a byproduct of the cold weather. The cold climate makes it hard to move.

I look forward to breakfast the most not only because I love to eat, but, also because there isn't anything quite like the perk up one experiences after getting the gurgles because of a long, calorie-less, slumber.

I guess this means that I have at least one reason to look forward to every morning, eh?


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